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The Price of Family


After twenty-five years, the perfect family separates: the children, Alessandra and Emilio, leave the nest and the province and go to live in the city, leaving their parents, Carlo and Anna, alone at last. Within a few months, the children, taken by their new life, limit relations with their parents to a few short calls, desert the relatives' funerals, no longer appear at birthdays and as a last straw, they will not spend Christmas with their family. Angry and desperate, Carlo and Anna decide to lie by pretending to have inherited six million euros from an old aunt in order to get their children back. The plan seems to work and, driven by the hope of being able to have their share of the inheritance to make their dreams come true, the children magically reappear, even assuring that they cannot miss Christmas with the family.

How long will Carlo and Anna's lie last and what consequences will it have? Will they be able to celebrate Christmas with their children? And at what cost?

The Price of Family