Comedy duo Chidori host and participate in this survival talk show!
Hosted by Chidori, Last One Standing is a unique show that features comedians sharing their personal stories, with the catch that if they're not funny, they're immediately eliminated. This sharp-edged rule, leading to a constant stream of hilarious episodes, has won the show a wide fanbase. The show also features a dramatic segment where comedians undertake challenges alongside accomplished actors. Season 2 swept Japan off its feet, introducing new challengers in a world-altering incident set in a large hospital and a mysterious organization rife with conspiracies, staking their survival on their ability to entertain. The show made headlines by topping Netflix's "Today's TV Program Top 10" the day after its release and debuting at number 2 in Netflix Japan’s Top 10.
Developed and Produced by: Nobuyuki Sakuma
Producers: Yoko Usui, Seiya Horio
Director: Hayato Kawai
Writer: Ryoichi Tsuchiya
Production Cooperation: Yoshimoto Kogyo
Cast: Chidori