In the comedy The Wonder Weeks we meet three couples. First, we meet the successful career-oriented Anne (Sallie Harmsen), who realizes after her maternity leave that life changes a lot with a baby. This puts a strain on her relationship with her husband Barry (Soy Kroon). She joins the Mama for Mamas club, a society for mothers founded by Kim (Katja Schuurman). Kim is married to Roos (Sarah Chronis), and together they are raising two children they had with the help of their good friend Kaj (Louis Talpa). However, things are not going very smoothly for them. Ilse (Yolanthe Cabau) and her husband Sabri (Ilias Ojja) also have their challenges. They struggle with how to raise their child as they come from different cultures. This creates friction within their relationship, especially when Sabri’s mother moves in with them to help.