The conclusion to the brand-new animated film for "The Seven Deadly Sins," based on the hit comic with over 38 million copies sold. This original story by the original manga author Nakaba Suzuki tells the tale of Tristan, the son of Meliodas (hero of the "Seven Deadly Sins" series) and Elizabeth. While struggling with the "enormous power" inherited from his parents, he meets his rival Lancelot, and together they battle Deathpierce, who threatens Tristan's mother, Elizabeth. Connecting "The Seven Deadly Sins" and "The Four Knights of the Apocalypse," which is currently being published in Weekly Shonen Magazine, this film puts together the full picture of a story in "The Seven Deadly Sins" world that has never been seen before.
14 years have passed since the battle with the Demon Clan. In the now peaceful Kingdom of Liones, Prince Tristan struggles to control the two massive powers he has inherited: the power of the Demon Clan from his father, Meliodas, who was the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins as the Dragon's Sin, and the power of the Goddess Clan from his mother, Elizabeth.
Meanwhile, the threat of Deathpierce, who was once renowned as a Holy Knight and member of the Pleiades of the Azure Sky before abandoning the kingdom, creeps closer to Elizabeth. In order to save his mother, who has been cursed, Tristan leaves the Kingdom and heads toward Edinburgh, where Deathpierce resides in a castle. When Tristan faces a crisis on the way, he is saved by Lancelot, the son of Ban, who was his father Meliodas' best friend and rival. Possessing different personalities and fighting styles, how will Tristan and Lancelot face Deathpierce, who wields the Staff of Chaos?
Tristan: Ayumu Murase / Lancelot: Koki Uchiyama / Meliodas: Yuki Kaji / Elizabeth: Sora Amamiya / Ban: Tatsuhisa Suzuki / Diane: Aoi Yuki / King: Jun Fukuyama / Gowther: Yuhei Takagi / Deathpierce: Yohei Azakami / Priest: Kazuyuki Okitsu
Based on the comic "The Seven Deadly Sins" by Nakaba Suzuki (published in Weekly Shonen Magazine by Kodansha) / Supervising Director: Noriyuki Abe / Director: Bob Shirohata / Screenwriter: Rintaro Ikeda/
Music: Kohta Yamamoto and Hiroyuki Sawano /Theme song: "odd:I" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Akihito Okano (Porno Graffitti) / Production: Alfred Imageworks x Marvy Jack