The anime based on the popular manga serialized in Monthly Comic Zenon and which has sold over 10 million copies enters its second season! The 13 one-on-one battles between representatives of gods and humans across the entire world for the survival of humanity begin once more! Blood flows and fists fly in these intense battles of strong convictions!
Based on the manga: Record of Ragnarok, art by Azychika, story by Shinya Umemura and script by Takumi Fukui (serialized in Monthly Comic Zenon by Coamix)/Director: Masao Okubo/Series composition: Kazuyuki Fudeyasu and Yuka Yamada/Character design: Masaki Sato/Music: Yasuharu Takanashi/Sound director: Yasunori Ebina/Animation Production: Graphinica x Yumeta Company