Baku Yumemakura's novel Onmyoji receives its first-ever anime adaptation:
The legend of Abe no Seimei is resurrected in the 21st century.
Together with his partner Minamoto no Hiromasa, the legendary onmyoji oracle Abe no Seimei works to solve crimes wherein the human and demon worlds have collided. In this anime based on a series of novels, Abe no Seimei takes on never-before-seen adventures in entirely new episodes.
In the prosperous capital of Heian-kyo, Minamoto no Hiromasa, a court musician and grandson of Emperor Daigo, visits the Bureau of Onmyo to try and solve the mystery of a demon that is terrorizing the city. There, he is introduced to a man who is up to the challenge: an impersonal but exceptional onmyoji named Abe no Seimei.
Based on: Onmyoji by Baku Yumemakura (published by Bunshun Bunko)/Director: Soubi Yamamoto/Screenplay: Natsu Hashimoto, Yuiko Kato/Production: Marvy Jack