Netflix’s new animated preschool series Princess Power is based on the No.1 New York Times Bestselling book series Princesses Wear Pants by Savannah Guthrie (co-anchor of Today) and Allison Oppenheim. The show is a celebration of girl power and self-expression that follows princesses of four major fruit kingdoms: Kira Kiwi, Beatrice “Bea” Blueberry, Rita Raspberry and Penelope “Penny” Pineapple. These princesses embrace their differences and become stronger together to help their fellow fruitizens and make their world a better place. Princess Power's whimsical, aspirational joy comes with a timely message: that it's not just what you wear but what you do that makes all the difference. Developed by Elise Allen (showrunner/EP), the series is executive produced by Savannah Guthrie (co-author), alongside Matthew Berkowitz, Kristin Cummings and Jennifer Twiner McCarron of Atomic Cartoons, and Drew Barrymore, Ember Truesdell and Nancy Juvonen of Flower Films.