In 2018, eight undocumented families took the extraordinary risk of allowing film crews to chronicle their lives as they faced potential deportation. Ranging from harrowing to hopeful, their journeys illuminate and humanize the complex US immigration system. From Emmy-winning executive producers Aaron Saidman and Eli Holzman, and executive producer Selena Gomez, LIVING UNDOCUMENTED depicts the struggles many must endure in their quest to pursue the American dream.
Netflix is proud to present original documentaries series that speak to our users in a meaningful way. We know that many of you are as excited about these series as we are; and because of their informational aspects, you’d like to show them in an educational setting -- e.g., in the classroom, at the next meeting of your community group, with your book club, etc.
Consequently, we will permit one-time educational screenings - "one-time screening" means that you can't hold screenings several times in one day or one week, but if, for example, you're an educator who wants to show the series once a semester over multiple semesters, that's okay.
Educational screenings are permitted for any of the documentaries noted with this information, on the following terms:
To the extent your institution requires you to demonstrate that you have a license for your screening, please show them this page.